menu nicklist { Popups 1 .Long Ping:/say [ $+ $$1 PING Reply] : 2 ice ages 4 milleniums 9 centuries 98 years 6 months 6428 weeks 27 days 12 hours 16 minutes 55 seconds 1 millisecond .Mean Nasty 1 ..Cow Suit Horny Bull:/me gags $$1 and stuffs $$1 in a Cow suit, then tosses $$1 into a corral with a randy bull. <> ..Face Toilet Royal Flush:/me grabs $$1 by the hair and jams him face first into the toilet... | /me does the royal flush. ..Grabs Tongue and Pulls:/me grabs $$1's tongue and pulls it wayyyyy out. | /me takes out locking ring and loops it through $$1's tongue. | /me then fastens the ring to a Monster truck and drives off. ..Pour Gas and Light:/me dumps a can of gasoline on $$1 | /me lights a match and tosses it. | /me laughs as $$1 turns and squirms and smokes to a blackened crisp. ..Liquid Nitrogen:/me opens a canister of liquid nitrogen. | /me dumps it all over $$1 | /me laughs. $$1 becomes stiff, then shatters into thousands of gleaming shards. ..Acid in Face:/me pulls out a bottle of hydrocloric acid. | /me splashes it in $$1's face. | /me watches $$1 as skin runs in rivulets from bone until only a pool remains. ..Sword Through Ribs/Lungs:/me pulls out a finely engraved long sword made of the finest steel. | /me runs $$1 through and waits until $$1 stops gurgling. | /me then yanks the sword up through $$1's spine, rib cage, and lungs. ..Dons Priestly Garb:/me dons his priestly garb. | /me dispatches $$1's soul on its way to the pearly gates. .Mean Nasty 2 ..Spell Bleeding Scabs:/me calls upon the Demon Hoeshank Farquark Brazada to answer his summons. | /say now $$1, feel the wrath of the Prince of Plagues. | /me watches as $$1 dissolves into a mass of blisters and bleeding scars. ..Human Trash Compactor:/me grabs $$1 by the neck and props $$1's mouth open. | /me stuffs large quantities of garbage down $$1's throat. | /me sets $$1 off to the side to admire his new full size human trash compactor. ..Chainsaw in Nostril:/me grabs $$1 by the right nostril and pulls it wayyy out... | /me looks around for a suitable implement for $$1... | /me grabs a running chainsaw and stuffs it up $$1's right nostril. ..Chop Off Head:/me pulls out a sharp battle axe and slices off $$1's head.. | /me watches the head roll to the floor, covering $$2 with blood.. | /me slings the axe over his shoulder and laughs with murderous glee! ..Chewing Tobacco:/me spits out a wad of chewing tobacco | /say *pbpbth* | /say Listen $$1, we don't like yer kind around here... | /say so git on out er we'll throw yuh out! ..Gorilla:/me $$1: Yo momma so ugly they push her face into dough to make gorilla cookies. ..Whiz on Boots:/me whips out his tool and whizzes on $$1's shoes. There, how do ya like the shine? ..Dead Wood Burn:/me decides to build a fire. | /me takes the first dead wood he sees and throws $$1 in the pit. | /me covers $$1 with gasoline and strikes a match. | /me doesn't seem to hear $$1 squealing like a pig for mercy as he drops the match. Poof! Hmm... Charbroil! My favorite! ..Smells Send to Cleaners:/me smells something terrible. | /me figures out that it's $$1 who smells like a dead elephant on a hot summer's day. | /me decides to send $$1 to the cleaners. Put it on my tab. ..Spell Don't Work Hit Head With Wand:/me waves an ancient druid sceptre over $$1 | /me chants "Vlavotu! Veranatta! Nuttktu!" | /me waits as nothing happens | /me busts the sceptre over $$1's head. That's GOTTA hurt! .Yo Momma ..Fat ...Backing up:/me says $$1's momma is so fat, when her beeper goes off, people thought she was backing up ...Wheat Thicks:/me says $$1's momma is so fat, she eats Wheat Thicks. ...Exsercise:/me says $$1's momma is so fat people jog around her for exercise ...Movies:/me says $$1's momma is so fat she went to the movies and sat next to everyone ...Spain:/me says $$1's momma is so fat she was floating in the ocean and spain claimed her for their new world ...Free Willy:/me says $$1's momma is so fat she lay on the beach and people run around yelling Free Willy ...Resturant:/me says $$1's momma is so fat she goes to a resturant, looks at the menu and says "okay!" ...Iron Pants:/me says $$1's momma is so fat she got to iron her pants on the driveway ...Lipstick:/me says $$1's momma is so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller ...Pockets:/me says $$1's momma is so fat she got to pull down her pants to get into her pockets ...Tripped:/me says $$1's momma is so fat when she tripped over on 4th Ave, she landed on 12th ...Bungee:/me says $$1's momma is so fat when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too ...Scale:/me says $$'s momma is so fat when she steps on a scale, it read "one at a time, please" ...To Be Continued...:/me says $$1's momma is so fat when she gets on the scale it says "to be continued"......... ...Hot Dogs:/me syas $$1's momma is so fat her neck looks like a pair of hot dogs! ...Spoiled Milk:/me says $$'s momma is so fat her legs is like spoiled milk - white & chunky! ...Sections:/me says $$'s momma is so fat she wakes up in sections! ...Beach:/me says $$1's momma is so fat when she lies on the beach no one else gets sun! ...Jump Up:/me says $$'1 momma is so fat when she jumps up in the air she gets stuck!!! ...Family:/me says $$1's momma is so fat she's on both sides of the family! ...Stretch Marks:/me says $$1's momma is so fat even her clothes have stretch marks! ...VCR:/me says $$1's momma is so fat she has to use a VCR as a beeper! ...Bathtub:/me says $$1's momma is so fat they have to grease the bath tub to get her out! ...Airline Tickets:/me says $$1's momma is so fat she has to buy two airline tickets. ...Ran Out of Gas:/me says $$1's momma is so fat that when I tried to drive around her I ran out of gas. ...Buffet:/me says $$1's momma is so fat when she goes to an all you can eat buffet, they have to install speed bumps. ...Chevy:/me says $$1's momma is so fat we went to the drive-in and didn't have to pay because we dressed her as a Chevrolet. ..Stupid ...NC-17:/me says $$1's momma is so stupid when she saw the NC-17 (under 17 not admitted) sign, she went home and got 16 friends ...Chilly:/me says $$1's momma is so stupid when your dad said it was chilly outside, she ran outside with a spoon ...Flashlight:/me says $$1's momma is so stupid she bought a solar-powered flashlight! ...Job Application:/me says $$1's momma is so stupid when she read on her job application to not write below the dotted line she put "O.K." ...Shoot Out:/me says $$1's momma is so stupid she got stabbed in a shoot out. ...Crack:/me says $$1's momma is so stupid she stepped on a crack and broke her own back. ...Soul Train:/me says $$1's momma is so stupid she thought she needed a token to get on Soul Train. ...Boyz II Men:/me says $$1's momma is so stupid that she thought Boyz II Men was a day care center. ...Purple Rain:/me says $$1's momma is so stupid she took a umbrella to see Purple Rain. ...Hooked on Phonics:/me says that $$1's momma is so stupid that under "Education" on her job apllication, she put "Hooked on Phonics." ..Ugly ...Mooning:/me says $$1's momma is so ugly she looks out the window and got arrested for mooning. ...Ugly Contest:/me says $$1's momma is so ugly when she joined an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals." ...Treasure:/me says $$1's momma is so ugly just after she was born, her mother said "What a treasure!" and her father said "Yes, let's go bury it." ...Bungee:/me says $$1's momma is so ugly instead of putting the bungee cord around her ankle, they put it around her neck ...Halloween:/me says $$1's momma is so ugly she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween. ...Bank:/me says $$1's momma is so ugly when she walks into a bank, they turn off the surveillence cameras ...Halloween Birthday:/me says $$1's momma is so ugly the government moved Halloween to her birthday. ...Halloween(2):/me says $$1's momma is so ugly people go as her for Halloween. ...Bath:/me says $$1's so ugly she tried to take a bath the water jumped out! ...Rice Krispies:/me says $$1's momma is so ugly even Rice Krispies won't talk to her! ...Kiss Goodbye:/me says $$1's momma is so ugly that your father takes her to work with him so that he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye. ..Old ...Act Her Age:/me said $$1's momma is so old, i told her to act her own age and she died 0,1RIP ...History Class:/me says $$1's momma is so old that when she was in school there was no history class. ...Birth Certificate:/me says $$1's momma is so old her birth certificate says "expired" on it. ..Poor ...Moving:/me says $$1's momma is so poor when I saw her kicking a can down the street, I asked her what she was doing, she said "Moving." ...KFC:/me says $$1's momma is so poor when she goes to KFC, she has to lick other people's fingers!!! ...Ding:/me says $$1's momma is so poor when I ring the doorbell she says,"DING!" ...Food Stamp:/me says $$1's momma is so poor her face is on the front of a foodstamp. ..Teeth ...Traffic:/me says $$1's momma's teeth are so yellow traffic slows down when she smiles! ..Other ...Lazy:/me says $$1's momma is so lazy she thinks a two-income family is where yo daddy has two jobs. ...Hair:/me says $$1's momma has so much hair on her upper lip, she braids it. ...Tongue in Jail:/me says $$1's momma got so many teeth missing, it looks like her tounge is in jail. ...Chap Stick:/me says $$1's momma's lips so big, Chap Stick had to invent a spray. ...Yawns:/me says $$1's momma breath smell so bad when she yawns her teeth duck. .Actions for Lamers ..Golfing Iron:/me Feels like golfing with $$1 $+ 's head. $me pulls out his 9 Iron and Bashes $$1 $+ 's Head!! ..Shin Kick:/me Puts on his Doc Martens and kicks $$1 in the shin!! ..O.J. Simpson:/me puts on his Ski mask and stalks $$1 for a while. One day $me sees $$1 walking with somone he doesn't like. $me becomes insanely jealous and slices $$1 $+ 's throat. When the IRCops ask who did it, $me blamed it on OJ Simpson!! ..Hacksaw:/me pulls out his Hack Saw and cuts up $$1 into little pieces and feeds them to his dog. ..Chainsaw:/me pulls out his chainsaw and Hacks apart $$1 from limb to limb ..Lightening:/me calls to the god of lightening and asks him for help. Later that day $$1 is walking home from the sexual toys store when a lightening bolt comes and knocks down a tree that kills $$1 ..Sledge:/me looks around the room and sees $$1 ..... arrrhhhhh!! $me then decides something should be done about it, so he grabs his sledge hammer and then squishes $$1 skull in to applesauce!!! PUNK! ..Knuckles:/me finds brass knuckles in his pocket. What you goona do with those asks $$1. I am gonna beat you up!!!! $me runs at $$1 and proceeeds to bash $$1 face in!! Loser!!!! ..Nazi:/me sees that $$1 is on Nazi Online. $me pulls out his beretta and puts a bullet in $$1's head! Racist!!!! ..Laser:/me has a large and powerful laser in his backpack. While giving his presentation he pulls it out.. $me sees $$1 being a pain, so he points it at $$1's eyes....ahhhhhhhhhhh!! Now all $$1 has are two burned craters for a face. Loser!!!! ..Bat:/me grabs the aluminum bat from the house and runs out to practice Baseball with $$1's head...whoops!...Whack!!!!.. Now $$1's pea-sized brain is all over the field! Loser!!!!! ..Keyboard:/me thinks that $$1 types bad. $ME takes his keyboard and smashes it over $$1's head. Idiot!! ..Weights:/me is lifting weights in the gym when $$1 comes bye and starts being a pain... $me gets up and knocks $$1 on his butt... $me lifts the 400lb weight above his head... Thump!!!! is the only sound heard as $$1's head is flattened to a pancake! ..Eye Poke:/me Pokes $$1 In The Eye With a finger... Can Ya See Now?? ..Brain Swish:/me Sticks a 4Red Hot Curling Iron In $1's Ear And Swishes Their Brain Around For awhile... Is It Clear Now?? .Slaps ..Custom Slap:/me Beats on $$1 awhile with $$?="Using a What??" ..Banana:/me lights a Banana on fire and throws it at $$1 's ..Blond:/me thinks $$1 is a natural blond by the way she types | /me does intensive research going through many hair dyes to find out nope $$1 is just plain stupid!!!! ..Trout:/me slaps $$1 around with a hairy, slimey, smelly, and contaminated trout! ..Drown:/me drowns $$1 in a cup of water! ..Pumpkin:/me grabs a handful of Pumpkin gut's and sticks them down $$1 $+ 's throat ..Lake:/me drowns $$1 in the nearest lake ..Bottle:/me smashes a wine bottle over $$1 $+ 's head ..Cliff:/me shoves $$1 off the nearest cliff ..Saw:/me runs after $$1 with a chain saw ..Slam:/me slams the door on $$1's hand ..Crush:/me crushes $$1's toes with a hammer ..Chop:/me chops $$1 up in millions of pieces and buries $$1 in the backyard ..Weed:/me chases after $$1 with a weed wacker....hey you need a haircut! ..Dog:/me lets loose his dog after $$1 | /me gets sad after Rover left him so he writes a country song about Rover and $$1's affair ..PBCantalope:/me dips giant cantalopes in peanut butter and throws them at $$1 ..Ginsu:/me starts playing with ginsu knives and accidently gives $$1 a neat trim....... | /me thinks $$1 looks very nice bald ..Lonely:/me thinks $$1 looks pretty lonely and would like some company | /me gives $$1 a blow up doll to make their life dream come find someone as smart as them ..Flood:/me Floods $* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | /me Floods $* HAHAHAHHA | /me Floods $* | /me Floods $* | /timer1 1 2 /me Floods $* | /timer2 1 3 /me Floods $* | /timer3 1 4 /me Floods $* | /timer4 1 5 /me Floods $* | /timer5 1 6 /me Floods $* | /timer6 1 10 /me Floods $* | /timer 1 12 /me floods $* DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE ..Trout:/me slaps $* around with a rotten trout! ..Bat:/me gets a Steel Bat and smashes $* with it " Batter Up!!!" ..Fake lagg:/say $1 you there? | /timer1 1 7 /say Are you still alive $1 ? | /timer2 1 14 /say are you ignoring me $1 ? | /timer3 1 21 /say You must be lagging $1 Helloooooooo!! | /timer4 1 28 /say Woooo 39 sec ping reply WoW! | /timer5 1 35 /say you better do something about that lagg $1 | /timer6 1 42 /say Helloooo!! ARGH! | /timer7 1 49 /say hehehehe Gotcha! .Actions ..SCI Slap:/me slaps $1 with a special SCI command.... ..SG Burger:/me throws an *@*.sg burger at $1 ..Wonder:/me looks at $1 and wonders who in their right mind would have a child like that.... ..Laugh:/me looks at $1 and rolls on the floor in histerical laughter ..Handshake:/me does a long, complicated handshake with $1 ..Stupidity:/me wonders about $1 $+ 's stupidity.... ..Neon Stupid:/me thinks $1 should vigorusly scrub his forehead in an effort to erase the word "STUPID" that obviously is flashing in neon letters! ..Cousins:/me asks $1 $+ , "If your parents got divorced, would they still be cousins?" .Funny ..Krazy Glue:/me uses 1,1.15,15-- 4,15Krazy Glue15,15--1,1.4,0//=== 10 to glue4 $$1 's 10butt to the chair ..Wav Text Theft:/me 0,10cites $$1 for wav txt theft,2,0 citing article 8467-C of Internet International Law, AND Article -6- of 12,0The Ten Commandments: " Thou shalt not STEAL." 4,0Please sign here: X______________ press hard....four copies ..Tiny Beer:/say 0,12o°°o0,12o°°o0,12o°°o0,12o°°o0,12o°°o0,12o°°o0,12o°°o12. | say 0,12 0,8||0,12] 0,8||0,12] 0,8||0,12] 0,8||0,12] 0,8||0,12] 0,8||0,12] 0,8||0,12]  | say 0,12¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | say 0,4 Tiny Frosty Beers for All!4.. ..GiveM&Ms:/say 7 gives4 $$1 5a pack of 1,1.4,1:8,1:3,1:12,1:13,1:4,1:8,1:11,1:5,5.8,5M&M's3,1:3,1:4,1:8,1:11,1:13,1:4,1:7,1:1,1.12,0 5 Enjoy my friend, the 4red 5ones bring luck ya know! ;) ..Huh???:/me goes 16,4¿16,2?16,4¿16,2?16,4¿16,2?16,4¿16,2?16,4¿16,2?16,4¿16,2?16,4¿1,8 HUH? 16,2?16,4¿16,2?16,4¿16,2?16,4¿16,2?16,4¿16,2?16,4¿16,2?16,4¿16,2? ..Happy Birthday:/me says 4¡13!12¡11!9¡8!6¡4!13¡12!11¡8!12¡9!4¡6!13¡8!12¡4Happy Birthday12¡8!13¡6!4¡9!12¡8!11¡12!13¡4!6¡8!9¡11!12¡13!44¡13!12¡11!9¡8!6¡4!13¡12!11¡8!12¡9!4¡6!13¡8!12¡9¡11!12¡13!49¡11!12¡13!49¡11!12¡13!6!4¡9!12¡48!13¡6!4¡9!12¡8!11¡12!13¡4!12 $$1 12¡9¡11!12¡13!44¡13!12¡11!9¡8!6¡4!13¡12!11¡8!12¡9!4¡6!13¡8!12¡8!13¡6!4¡9!12¡8!11¡ ..Slap/w Spaghetti-O:/me 12slaps4 $$1 12in the eye with a 6S3p4a6g12h3e6t4t12i4-3O6! ..Adjust Halo:/me 13adjusts $$1 halo 14`~12Å14~.:**.:`~12Å14~.:* *.:`~12Å14~.:**.:`~12Å14~.:*~12Å14~.:`**.:`~12Å14~,.:`**.:` ~12Å14~. :`*13basically looking angelic...14*.:`~12Å14~.: `* `~12Å14~.:`**.: ~12Å14~.:`**.:~12Å14~,`~12Å14~.:**.:`14`~12Å14~.:**.:`14`~12Å14~.:**.:`14`~12Å14~.:**. ..Hold Head:/me 4Hey12 $$1 4could you do me a favor and hold your head a little closer to the fan? 6Thanks. 4That whistling 4sound reminds me of a song I once heard! ..Water Balloons:/me 6throws water balloons at4 $$1 !!! 12Duck!!!!0,04**splat** 11**splat** 0,0.. 7**splat** 12**splat** 13**splat** 5**splat** 8**splat** 7**splat** 2**splat** 8**splat** 3**splat** 9**splat** 4**splat** 3**splat** 0,0...4**splat** 5**splat** 13**splat** 12then4 $me 12runs away 13giggling... 12leaving3 $$1 12dripping all over the floor!! ..Wake Up:/me 12yells 4,8!WAKE UP $1 !12,0 then tosses out a | /me 0,0 | /me 0,0..................... 1,8|1,4 ----- 0M-801 ---- 1,8| | /me 0,0......................1,8|1,4 Wake Up Cracker 4,8|1,0--* | /me 0,0 .................... 1,8|4,4..0,4Just For You4,4...1,8| ..Wondering 'bout U:/say 4I gotta wonder 'bout you!2¿3?4¿5?6¿7?8¿9?10¿11?12¿13?14¿15? 2,15 $$1  15?14¿13?12¿11?10¿9?8¿7?6¿5?4¿3?2¿ 2:5)4~ ..Party Hats:/me 2hands out 4Party Hats 2to everyone! 12~<|1,8:4)11,0 #<|1,8:4)10,0 *<|1,8:4)9,0 *<|1,8:4)7,0 &<|1,8:4)6,0 ~<|1,8:4)5,0 #<|1,8:4)4,0 +<|1,8:4)2,0 *<|1,8:4)12,0 *<|1,8:4)13,0 &<|1,8:4)4,0 LET'S 12CELEBRATE 2 $$1 's 4BIRTHDAY! ..B'day Confetti:/me 10showers the room with 13HAPPY BIRTHDAY 10Confetti 12* : 13" : . 9" * 1~ ` 4" ' : 6* ; ~ 5' ~ 11` : 3. + 1~ * 13` " 12; " . 14~ ~ 8* . 7* . 6; ' 12+ ` 10~ * 11' ; 15. : 12, ~13HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 12+ ` 10~ ` ' 9. ,."5;: "7 : * 11~ ` 8* : 6" : 1. " 13* ~ 4` " 2' : * 6; ~ ' 8~ ` 1: . 5+ ~ 13* ` 11" ; 12" . 9~ ~ 1* . 6*12CELEBRATE!...CELEBRATE!... 3; ' 12+ ` 11~ *7 ' ; 5. : , 6~ + 2` ..Bright/Shades:/me 10/\0.maya10/\0...12Better put on my shades... | me 0..10\0.10_____\0..13 $$1 is so bright! | me 0...14,0(5@14,0)-(5@14,0) ..Folgers Crystals (her): { set %fold.nick $$1 set $replace($replace($replace($replace($replace(%fold.nick,a,4¤),e,4¤),i,4¤),o,4¤),u,4¤) /me secretly replaces the vowels in  $+ %fold.nick $+ 's nick with Folger's Crystals... let's see if she notices... unset %fold.* } ..Help PC:/say 0,0....... 15,0 ____ 10,0:)Help me $$1 | /say 0,0..... 0,0. 15||""|| 10I'm stuck in here | /say 0,0 ...,.. 15||__|| 10 and I can't get | /say 0,0.....  0,0 15[ -=.]`) 10out!!!! | /say 0,0 .....====== 10 ..Race 2 C U:/say 4,4 0 8,8 0 9,9 0 4,4 0 8,8 0 9,9 0 4,4 0.0,0....12,0 $me | say 8,8 0 0,1 5 1,0 0 0,1 0 0,0 0 1,1 0 8,8 0.0,0....4,0 races | say 9,9 0 1,0 M 0,1 I 1,0 L 0,1 E 0,0 0 9,9 0.0,0....12,0 500 miles | say 4,4 0 0,1 R 1,0 A 0,1 C 1,0 E 1,1 0 4,4 0.0,0....4,0 just to HUG | say 8,8 0 1,0 T 0,1 R 1,0 A 0,1 C 1,0 K 8,8 0.0,0....12 sweet | say 9,9 0 4,4 0 8,8 0 9,9 0 4,4 0 8,8 0 9,9 0.0,0....4 $$1 ..Secret Msg:/say 12,12-4,4Hahaha - Made ya L@@K ya dirty crook!12,12-4,1Drag mouse $$1 1,8:) ..YMCA!: /say 0,0....1\o/0,0..........1o0,0..........10,0..........1I0,0..........1/I\  | /say 0,0....1/ \0,0.........1/ \0,0.........1/ \0,0.........1/ \  | /say 0,0..13 $$1 0,0....12 $2 0,0..2 $3 0,0..4 $4 0,0..4doing the ymca!! ..Get To Know:/me 0,1 is 9Getting 4to 7know 13ya'll 8down 11to 15the 12real 4nitty 0gritty ..Smiling At You:/say 1,4:)1,0--1,3:)1,0--1,8:)1,0--1,12:)1,0 Smilin' atcha4 $$1 1,12(:1,0--1,8(:1,0--1,3(:1,0--1,4(: ..Food Fight!:/me smacks a juicy 4red tomato 6over $$1's head, who in turn takes 5iced tea 6and pours it down $2's 11pretty shirt6, who then slaps $3 in the face with a 7butterscotch pie 5-==7{) 6who finally takes a whole cup of 15,15 15,5 Hershey's 5,15 15,15 5chocolate 6and pours it over $4's head. 12It's the 4 $chan 12daily 13FOOD FIGHT! ..Tunnel:/say 13,1©}æ}»®©®«®©`®®»0"Due to the current financial restraints, the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice." (this means that the tunnel back to reality is closed!!! you can't go back now!! hehehe!!! )13,1«®©`®®»©®®«{æ{© ..Remember:/me 3looks at13 $$1 3and says 4" I remember you13 $1 ...4 weren't you the one dancing12 naked 13on the bar last nite...?" ;) }