on ^*:SNOTICE:*has attempted to send you a file*: { if 150 isin $level($address($nick,3)) && %friend.auto.kick == ON { goto end } if %ccc.all.autokicks == OFF { goto end } { set %nick $1 | set %address $address($1,3) | set %filename $remove($11,$chr(44)) | echo 2 -a *Blocked Filesend of 4 %filename 2from4 $1 } if %address != $null { .ignore -tu10 %address } if $comchan($1,1) != $null { set %loopchan 0 :iniloop inc %loopchan 1 if $1 ison $chan(%loopchan) && $me isop $chan(%loopchan) && $1 !isop $chan(%loopchan) { if (($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,1,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,2,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,3,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,4,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,5,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,6,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,7,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,8,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,9,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,10,32))) { ban -u $+ %ccc.trojan.time $chan(%loopchan) $1 3 | kick $chan(%loopchan) $1 You are sending a possible Trojan Virus! Go to #nohack or http://www.nohack.net ( $+ %display.ccc.trojan.time min ban) %version Auto-send/Virus Kick | goto iniloop } } if $1 ison $chan(%loopchan) && $me !isop $chan(%loopchan) && $1 !isop $chan(%loopchan) { if (($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,1,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,2,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,3,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,4,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,5,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,6,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,7,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,8,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,9,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,10,32))) { timer 3 10 if $me isop $chan(%loopchan) ban -u $+ %ccc.trojan.time $chan(%loopchan) $1 3 | timer 3 10 if $me isop $chan(%loopchan) kick $chan(%loopchan) $1 You are sending a possible Trojan Virus! Go to #nohack or http://www.nohack.net ( $+ %display.ccc.trojan.time min ban) %version Auto-send/Virus Kick | goto iniloop } } if ($chan(%loopchan) == $null) { goto end } goto iniloop } :END unset %loopchan haltdef } ctcp *:*: { if $1 == LAGG || $1 == DO { if %ccc.all.autokicks == OFF { goto end } if 150 isin $level($address($nick,3)) && %friend.auto.kick == ON { goto end } if $comchan($nick,1) != $null { set %loopchan 0 :iniloop inc %loopchan 1 if $nick ison $chan(%loopchan) && $me isop $chan(%loopchan) && $nick !isop $chan(%loopchan) { if (($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.lagg.channels,1,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.lagg.channels,2,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.lagg.channels,3,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.lagg.channels,4,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.lagg.channels,5,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.lagg.channels,6,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.lagg.channels,7,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.lagg.channels,8,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.lagg.channels,9,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.lagg.channels,10,32))) { ban -u $+ %ccc.lagg.time $chan(%loopchan) $nick 3 | kick $chan(%loopchan) $nick attempted exploits are LAME! (you are lame!) ( $+ %display.ccc.lagg.time min ban) %version Exploit Kick | goto iniloop } } if ($chan(%loopchan) == $null) { goto end } goto iniloop } :end } if $1 == DCC && $2 == SEND && (LOVE-LETTER isin $1- || Life_Stages isin $1-) { if 150 isin $level($address($nick,3)) && %friend.auto.kick == ON { goto nend } set %loopchan 0 :iniloop2 inc %loopchan 1 if $nick ison $chan(%loopchan) && $me isop $chan(%loopchan) { if (($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,1,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,2,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,3,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,4,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,5,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,6,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,7,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,8,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,9,32)) || ($chan(%loopchan) == $gettok(%ccc.trojan.channels,10,32))) { ban -u $+ %ccc.trojan.time $chan(%loopchan) $nick 3 | kick $chan(%loopchan) $nick You are sending a possible Trojan Virus! Go to #nohack or http://www.nohack.net ( $+ %display.ccc.trojan.time min ban) %version Auto-send/Virus Kick | goto iniloop2 } } if ($chan(%loopchan) == $null) { goto nend } goto iniloop2 } :nend ; halt } ;***Offensive Nick on @*:join:#: { if 150 isin $level($address($nick,3)) && %friend.auto.kick == ON { goto end } if %ccc.all.autokicks == OFF { goto end } if $gettok(%badnick,1,32) isin $nick || $gettok(%badnick,2,32) isin $nick || $gettok(%badnick,3,32) isin $nick || $gettok(%badnick,4,32) isin $nick || $gettok(%badnick,5,32) isin $nick || $gettok(%badnick,6,32) isin $nick || $gettok(%badnick,7,32) isin $nick || $gettok(%badnick,8,32) isin $nick || $gettok(%badnick,9,32) isin $nick || $gettok(%badnick,10,32) isin $nick { if ((# == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,1,32)) || (# == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,2,32)) || (# == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,3,32)) || (# == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,4,32)) || (# == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,5,32)) || (# == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,6,32)) || (# == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,7,32)) || (# == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,8,32)) || (# == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,9,32)) || (# == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,10,32))) { ban # * $+ $nick $+ *!*@*.* kick # $nick Please change your nick %version Bad-Nick-Kick } } :end } ;*****INVITE KICKER***** #ccc.invite on on 1:INVITE:#: { if $nick != chanserv { if 150 isin $level($address($nick,3)) && %friend.auto.kick == ON { goto end } if %ccc.all.autokicks == OFF { goto end } if $comchan($nick,1) != $null { set %loopchan 0 :loop inc %loopchan 1 if ($nick ison $chan(%loopchan)) { if $me isop $chan(%loopchan) && $nick !isop $chan(%loopchan) { ban -u $+ %ccc.invite.time $chan(%loopchan) $nick 3 kick $chan(%loopchan) $nick Please don't invite to other channels ( $+ %display.ccc.invite.time min. ban) %version InviTe-KicK } goto loop } if ($chan(%loopchan) == $null) { goto end } goto loop :end unset %loopchan } } } #ccc.invite end ;*****ON NICK SEQUENCE***** on *:NICK:{ if $nick == $me { goto end } if 150 isin $level($address($nick,3)) && %friend.auto.kick == ON { goto end } if %ccc.all.autokicks == OFF { goto end } if $gettok(%badnick,1,32) isin $newnick || $gettok(%badnick,2,32) isin $newnick || $gettok(%badnick,3,32) isin $newnick || $gettok(%badnick,4,32) isin $newnick || $gettok(%badnick,5,32) isin $newnick || $gettok(%badnick,6,32) isin $newnick || $gettok(%badnick,7,32) isin $newnick || $gettok(%badnick,8,32) isin $newnick || $gettok(%badnick,9,32) isin $newnick || $gettok(%badnick,10,32) isin $newnick { set %comchan 0 :loopnick inc %comchan 1 set %comchan1 $comchan($newnick,%comchan) if $chan(%comchan1) == $null { goto nickflood } if (($chan(%comchan1) == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,1,32)) || ($chan(%comchan1) == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,2,32)) || ($chan(%comchan1) == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,3,32)) || ($chan(%comchan1) == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,4,32)) || ($chan(%comchan1) == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,5,32)) || ($chan(%comchan1) == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,6,32)) || ($chan(%comchan1) == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,7,32)) || ($chan(%comchan1) == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,8,32)) || ($chan(%comchan1) == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,9,32)) || ($chan(%comchan1) == $gettok(%ccc.offnick.channels,10,32))) { ban $chan(%comchan1) * $+ $nick $+ *!*@*.* | kick $chan(%comchan1) $nick Please change your nick %version Bad-Nick-Kick } goto loopnick } :nickflood if %ccc.nflood.kick != ON { goto end } { set %wildsite $remove($wildsite,*,!,@) | inc %nflood. [ $+ [ %wildsite ] ] 1 | .timer 1 %ccc.nflood.seconds unset %nflood. [ $+ [ %wildsite ] ] } if %nflood. [ $+ [ %wildsite ] ] >= %ccc.nflood.trigger { set %loopchan 0 :loop inc %loopchan 1 if $newnick ison $chan(%loopchan) && $me isop $chan(%loopchan) && $newnick !isop $chan(%loopchan) { ban -u $+ %ccc.nflood.time $chan(%loopchan) $wildsite | kick $chan(%loopchan) $nick Please don't flood $chan(%loopchan) with nick changes ( $+ %display.ccc.nflood.time min. ban) %version NicK-FlooD-KicK } if ($chan(%loopchan) == $null) { goto end } goto loop unset %loopchan :end } } on *:connect: { remini capswarn.txt warned unset %ignore.clone.address %jflood.* %nflood* if %ccc.all.autokicks == $null { set %ccc.all.autokicks ON } if %ccc.badswear.trigger == $null { set %ccc.badswear.trigger fuck cunt nigga nigger } if %ccc.badswear.time == $null { set %ccc.badswear.time 1800 | set %display.ccc.badswear.time 30 } if %ccc.swear.trigger == $null { set %ccc.swear.trigger whore horny horney } if %ccc.swear.time == $null { set %ccc.swear.time 600 | set %display.ccc.swear.time 10 } if %ccc.repeat.trigger == $null { set %ccc.repeat.trigger 3 } if %ccc.repeat.time == $null { set %ccc.repeat.time 300 | set %display.ccc.repeat.time 5 } if %ccc.caps.time == $null { set %ccc.caps.time 180 | set %display.ccc.caps.time 3 } if %ccc.invite.kick == $null { set %ccc.invite.kick OFF } if %ccc.invite.time == $null { set %ccc.invite.time 900 | set %display.ccc.invite.time 15 } if %ccc.length.trigger == $null { set %ccc.length.trigger 350 } if %ccc.length.time == $null { set %ccc.length.time 300 | set %display.ccc.invite.time 5 } if %ccc.tflood.trigger == $null { set %ccc.tflood.trigger 30 } if %ccc.tflood.time == $null { set %ccc.tflood.time 300 | set %display.ccc.tflood.time 5 } if %ccc.nflood.trigger == $null { set %ccc.nflood.trigger 3 } if %ccc.nflood.seconds == $null { set %ccc.nflood.seconds 30 } if %ccc.nflood.time == $null { set %ccc.nflood.time 300 | set %display.ccc.nflood.time 5 } if %ccc.nflood.kick == $null { set %ccc.nflood.kick OFF } if %ccc.chanads.time == $null { set %ccc.chanads.time 900 | set %display.ccc.chanads.time 15 } if %ccc.webads.time == $null { set %ccc.webads.time 900 | set %display.ccc.webads.time 15 } if %ccc.jflood.time == $null { set %ccc.jflood.time 600 | set %display.ccc.jflood.time 10 } if %ccc.clones.time == $null { set %ccc.clones.time 300 | set %display.ccc.clones.time 5 } if %cloneallow == $null { set %cloneallow 2 } if %ccc.filter.clones == $null { set %ccc.filter.clones 5 } if %badnick == $null { set %badnick fuck cunt nigger nigga slut whore horny horney } if %ccc.trojan.time == $null { set %ccc.trojan.time 59940 | set %display.ccc.trojan.time 999 } if %ccc.lagg.time == $null { set %ccc.lagg.time 59940 | set %display.ccc.lagg.time 999 } if %ccc.tricks.time == $null { set %ccc.tricks.time 1800 | set %display.ccc.tricks.time 30 } } on *:load: { remini capswarn.txt warned unset %ignore.clone.address %jflood* %nflood* if %ccc.all.autokicks == $null { set %ccc.all.autokicks ON } if %ccc.badswear.trigger == $null { set %ccc.badswear.trigger fuck cunt nigga nigger } if %ccc.badswear.time == $null { set %ccc.badswear.time 1800 | set %display.ccc.badswear.time 30 } if %ccc.swear.trigger == $null { set %ccc.swear.trigger whore horny horney } if %ccc.swear.time == $null { set %ccc.swear.time 600 | set %display.ccc.swear.time 10 } if %ccc.repeat.trigger == $null { set %ccc.repeat.trigger 3 } if %ccc.repeat.time == $null { set %ccc.repeat.time 300 | set %display.ccc.repeat.time 5 } if %ccc.caps.time == $null { set %ccc.caps.time 180 | set %display.ccc.caps.time 3 } if %ccc.invite.kick == $null { set %ccc.invite.kick OFF } if %ccc.invite.time == $null { set %ccc.invite.time 900 | set %display.ccc.invite.time 15 } if %ccc.length.trigger == $null { set %ccc.length.trigger 350 } if %ccc.length.time == $null { set %ccc.length.time 300 | set %display.ccc.invite.time 5 } if %ccc.tflood.trigger == $null { set %ccc.tflood.trigger 30 } if %ccc.tflood.time == $null { set %ccc.tflood.time 300 | set %display.ccc.tflood.time 5 } if %ccc.nflood.trigger == $null { set %ccc.nflood.trigger 3 } if %ccc.nflood.seconds == $null { set %ccc.nflood.seconds 30 } if %ccc.nflood.time == $null { set %ccc.nflood.time 300 | set %display.ccc.nflood.time 5 } if %ccc.nflood.kick == $null { set %ccc.nflood.kick OFF } if %ccc.chanads.time == $null { set %ccc.chanads.time 900 | set %display.ccc.chanads.time 15 } if %ccc.webads.time == $null { set %ccc.webads.time 900 | set %display.ccc.webads.time 15 } if %ccc.jflood.time == $null { set %ccc.jflood.time 600 | set %display.ccc.jflood.time 10 } if %ccc.clones.time == $null { set %ccc.clones.time 300 | set %display.ccc.clones.time 5 } if %cloneallow == $null { set %cloneallow 2 } if %ccc.filter.clones == $null { set %ccc.filter.clones 5 } if %badnick == $null { set %badnick fuck cunt nigger nigga slut whore horny horney } if %ccc.trojan.time == $null { set %ccc.trojan.time 59940 | set %display.ccc.trojan.time 999 } if %ccc.lagg.time == $null { set %ccc.lagg.time 59940 | set %display.ccc.lagg.time 999 } if %ccc.tricks.time == $null { set %ccc.tricks.time 1800 | set %display.ccc.tricks.time 30 } } alias cf6 check.clones alias check.clones { echo 2 -a *Checking for Clones on # { set %clonecheck1 0 | set %clonecheck $nick(#,1) | set %filter 0 } :loopcheck inc %clonecheck1 1 if $nick(#,%clonecheck1) == $null goto end { set %clonecheck2 $nick(#,%clonecheck1) | set %clone.address $address(%clonecheck2,2) | set %clone.address3 $address(%clonecheck2,3) | set %check.clone $readini $mircdirsystem\telnet.ini Telnet %clone.address | set %clone.level $level( %clone.address ) } if %clone.level == 50 { goto loopcheck } if $ialchan($address(%clonecheck2,2),#,0) > 1 { set %clonenumber $ialchan($address(%clonecheck2,2),#,0) if TelnetClient isin %check.clone { echo 2 -a 4 %clonenumber 2Telnet or CyberCafe Clients detected at [6 %clone.address 2] $ialchan(%clone.address,#,1).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,2).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,3).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,4).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,5).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,6).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,7).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,8).nick | goto guser } { echo 2 -a 4 %clonenumber 2clones detected at: [6 %clone.address 2] $ialchan(%clone.address,#,1).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,2).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,3).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,4).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,5).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,6).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,7).nick $ialchan(%clone.address,#,8).nick } { inc %filter 1 | set %clone. [ $+ [ %filter ] ] %clone.address | .timer 1 30 unset %clone. [ $+ [ %filter ] ] } :guser { .guser 50 %clonecheck2 2 | .timer 1 10 .ruser 50 %clonecheck2 2 } } if ( %clonecheck1 == %clonecheck ) { goto end } goto loopcheck :end if $me isop # { unset %clonecheck clonecheck1 %clonecheck2 %clone.address %clone.address3 %clone.level %clonenumber echo 2 -a *Clone Scan for # Finished ... } else { echo 2 -a *Clone Scan for # Finished } }